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Transactive Energy Agent

The decentralized energy network

Product / Strategy / IDEO CoLab
startup launch
How might we

Use electric vehicles to arbitrage energy costs?

Power is still largely centralized, while demand and supply are largely variable. As a result supply is often wasted due to the lack of storage capacity.
During my IDEO CoLab Fellowship
"Our team built several prototypes via 'Technology Lead Design'. Several of our prototypes were able to support the fesibility for a decentralized system which would connect utilities, fleet vehicles, and an energy market to combat energy demand"

Let's learn about the problem
Problem #1

CA Energy Demand (Duck Curve)

Reacting to variable demand is extremely expensive
By smoothing this demand curve (duck curve) we might reduce waste and peak energy pricing. Could we predict demand and proactively prepare?
solar power
Problem #2

Ramping Solar production without storage

Mid-day solar surplus requires massive storage for later use
Lack of scalable storage results in underutilization of renewable energy
journey we took

Our process

Technology Lead Design & Design Thinking

Through "Technology Lead Design" our team built several prototypes to test our hypotheses to support the idea of a distributed battery network. We quickly learned the disadvantages of targeting consumers and shifted our focus towards commercial fleets.

In conclusion our prototypes received with great positivity from our corporate members. Our evidence appears to support the business viability and technical feasibility of creating a distributed battery network to arbitrage energy between a utility provider and commercial vehicle fleet. Results and requirements for this to be possible are explained below.

project timeline

Project Timeline (5 Phases)

Problems / Hypotheses / Prototypes
Select a card for more detail

1. Problem Statement (HMW)

"How might we" predict the available capacity in vehicles?
e.g. Battery, fuel, and/or energy availability.

What we built

We built a machine learning model that can predict the location and energy utilization of a vehicle. We took commuting data and tried to identify patterns that we might learn from. We learned that most people have very predictable schedules weekly, monthly, and annually.

Machine LearningPredictive Modeling

truck driving

2. Problem Statement (HMW)

"How might we" measure a vehicle's current utilization?
e.g. Duty Cycle, Idle, Dormant, and Transit Time

What we built

We built an iOS App that can record location data feeding the predictive model. We also used MileIQ to track mobility.

iOS Mobile AppMobility Tracking


3. Problem Statement (HMW)

"How might we" convince a fleet manager to electrify their fleet?
e.g. What would they have to know make the switch?

What we built

We designed a fleet manager dashboard & predictive arbitrage calculator. We created UI/UX mockups for fleet managers that would measure current fleet use and show potential savings by switching to EV's.

DashboardUI/UX mockupsArbitrage Calculator

path with dots

4. Problem Statement (HMW)

"How might we" visualize the available capacity with real data in realtime?
e.g. If we could visualize an entire bus fleet could we measure it's available capacity and downtime?

What we built

We built a V2 of our React web app + V2 of the prediction model. We're about to collect user feedback and learn if this format would be accessible for future users.

React.js App V1UI/UX mockups


5. Problem Statement (HMW)

"How might we" display available storage capacity to the utility?
e.g. Storage Visualizer, Energy Portal, and Energy Marketplace

What we built

Utility Dashboard / Predictive arbitrage calculator product. By creating a dashboard that displays the available capacity to the utility they may be proactive in energy generation.

React App V2UI/UX mockupsArbitrage Calc V2

Let's dive into the details
sketch icon

what we built

Summary of our research and findings

Phase One

charging battery


"By predicting the utilization of a vehicle we should be able to autonomously predetermine the required charge for daily use."

Project Brief:

A system to learn and predict when an electric vehicle owner will be using their electric vehicle.

What we built:

Machine Learning Model

So we built a machine learning model to try and predict the utilization of various vehicles and tried to identify patterns from peoples driving routines.

With commuting data from CoLab and ourselves we're able to learn the following:

What we learned:
  • Our commuters have very predictable mobility patterns on a weekly basis. e.g: High use on mondays, low on wed.
  • People have very irregular mobility schedules after work and very consistent routine before work.
circle made from dots

Machine Learning Model

Whats next?

Let's get more exact numbers.
  • Now we know we can roughly predict available capacity, can we track their location and find patterns in their route?
  • Could we track their location with a mobile device and connect this to our ML model?

Phase Two

truck driving


"By creating an iOS app to track the location of a user we'd be able to get real time data and determine if their route was predictable."

Project Brief:

HMW measure current vehicle utilization?

What we built:

iOS App "Sal"

We built an iOS App that can record location data feeding the predictive model. We also used MileIQ to track mobility.

Data was collected via onboard device GPS and feed to firebase (Database) which we'd later used to create an api. We recorded the users: starting point, ending point, timestamp, velocity threshold that limits recording only when moving faster then a walk.

What we learned:
  • Users are reluctent to expose their habits and daily rituals in which appeared to be an invasion of their privacy. Without reminding users that this data could enable an incentive they're quick to deny use.
  • With many varieties of mobility such as trains, taxis, bikes, skateboards, and personal vehicles it's important to determine at what point are we collecting conflicting data and their actual personal vehicle data.
tracking map

iOS App "Sal"

Whats next?

Let's build a network and see if we can collect data.
  • Now that we're fimilar with collecting mobility data without an OBD dongle, what are the touch points in which a user interacts with the system?
  • How might a user be influenced by group think or social motivators to agree to use their battery-as-a-service?

Phase Three


How might we?

convince a fleet manager to electrify their fleet? What needs to be true to make the switch?

Phase Research:

Interviewed utility partners and SF municipal fleet manager

What we built:

Fleet MGR Dashboard

Predictive Aritrage Calculator - UI/UX Mockups for fleet managers that would measure current fleet use and show potential savings by switching to EV's.
What we learned:
  • Feedback from SF Municipal Fleet: By eliminating the need to refuel at a gas station creates enough savings to switch to EVs for light duty sedans.
  • Depreciation of vehicles, and low maintenance over the life of the car are vital.
  • Viewing fuel savings next to energy savings is a large motivator to switch.
  • Infrastructure costs are a large deterrent.
  • Fleet managers are usually convinced once they see an EV performing the same duty cycle
web dashboard

Fleet MGR Dashboard

Whats next?

Can we build an actual efficiency calculator? Could it allow for users to input data for actual fleets?
  • We decided to work with Chariot Buses to learn about the types of incentives nesesary to electrifying a commerical fleet.
  • For a utility how much available capacity is required to offset production?
  • Would it be possbile for a utility offer a rebate to EV fleets ito rent their batteries for storage?

Phase Four


How might we?

visualize the available capacity in realtime while allowing users to throttle their savings?

Utility partners and Fleet managers agreed this would be a huge determining factors if we could use their data and show the viability of our distributed network.

What we built:

React App / Prediction Model V2

We built a real time web based visualizer in react.js that visualized NY City bus data to prove that we could predict the location of buses in the future and determine the required fuel they would need to function properly.
What we learned:
  • We're able to determine what portion of their battery could be used for energy arbitrage based on when they're idle or dormant.
  • We're able to make the case for a large fleet of vehicles and the total savings to electrify.
circles rotating

React App / Prediction Model V2

Whats next?

We now needed to find a fleet that has an electric alternative that could measure and display this data to a utility.
  • What does a utility need to know to change their energy supply production?
  • What does a fleet need to save to know that electrifying their fleet is worth it?
  • What incentives are necessary for an OEM to participate in creating cars that are more suitable for energy storage?

Fifth and Final Phase



By enabling utilities and fleets to engage each other for on demand energy storage and delivery, utilities can reduce their costs and create new incentive models for vehicle OEMs and fleet managers

By treating EV’s as a battery we're able to optimize supply and demand, reducing waste / by turning EV’s into a giant battery.

What we built:

Utility Dashboard /
Predictive Arbitrage Calculator

By allowing utilities to create a hypothetical battery of distributed electric fleet vehicles they would be able to be proactive in reducing energy production.

By allowing fleet managers to have a dashboard view of their fleet vehicles they could take advantage of energy arbitrage selling power back to the grid during peak hours.

What we learned:
  • People start to understand the significance of this problem when we display savings in term of 'number of houses we could power' rather than monetary savings.
  • Utilities appear to be interested when we're able to reduce their production needs by 100 megawatts or more. Be designing savings thresholds for utilities and fleets we're able to gamify the system motivating interest.

Utility Dashboard / Predictive Arbitrage Calculator

This could be a reality in 3-5years

According to our research the following need to be true to bring this system to life.

What's the future / What's next?

  • We can now think of EV Fleets as a viable mobile power plant

  • We can predict the economics of scaling an EV fleet

  • We can enable utility companies to smooth peak power (Duck Curve)

Flag on a mountain
My Role

Design / Research / Operations

As a design fellow I helped our team design and develop prototypes such as product UI/UX, posters, and decks. I also helped lead our research efforts and managed relationships with our corporate utility and automotive partners.
